Training, Professional Development & Consultation
Your Space Therapies training can be tailored to meet your establishments needs; we offer training at an hourly rate, and at flexible times including inset days and twilight sessions. We will deliver the training at your school or location of your choice.
Please contact us below and we can offer you the best package to meet your requirements and budget.

Courses Available

Strategy Toolbox for Good Mental Health in Schools
Delegates will leave this course with a toolbox of strategies to help support our most vulnerable and troubled young people who are struggling to thrive in school. This course offers practical strategies for professionals to implement for young people who display challenging behaviour presenting in anger, separation anxiety, controlling behaviours, excessive attention seeking, generalised anxiety, low self-esteem and more.

More Strategies for your Toolbox
Due to popular demand and fantastic feedback from delegates who have attended ‘Strategy Toolbox for Good Mental Health in Schools’ we will offer further therapeutic strategies to be used by professionals to support the emotional
well-being of vulnerable young people in schools. This training will offer a toolbox of practical strategies including de-escalation and emotional attunement, managing anxiety and exam stress, helping young people build secure attachments, creating therapeutic behaviour plans and much more!

Understanding Attachment Disorders and How to Help
This course offers an overview of attachment disorders and looks at how early trauma affects the developing brain and a young person’s capacity to learn, relate and love. Practical and creative strategies are offered to help repair some of the effects of trauma in troubled young people and help improve their relational skills and ability to learn.

Supporting School Staff Mental Health and Resilience
Pressures on teachers to manage their workloads and teach our most vulnerable and challenging young people are increasing. This training provides practical exercises and knowledge for school staff to support one another and themselves in their management of stress, overwhelming workloads and holding traumatic information. This training includes a model for school peer supervison.

Helping Young People in Crisis
Self-harm, suicidal thoughts and eating disorders are rife and current issues in our schools. This training offers a therapeutic perspective into adolescents who display these behaviours and offers understanding and thoughtful interventions that may help professionals connect with young people experiencing these harrowing feelings and behaviours.

Attachment Focussed Fostering
A must have training for anyone thinking of becoming a foster carer or any professional working with Looked After Children. This training looks at the unique relationship between children in care and their carers. It also provides a space for group thinking and strategies for thriving in the special role of being a carer.

Enhancing Children’s Emotional Language Using the Arts
The arts are powerful tools in helping young people express their emotions. This training provides teachers, learning mentors and teaching assistants essential skills and creative exercises to use in circle times, PSHE lessons or in one-to-one sessions with students to enrich their emotional literacy.

Therapeutic Storytelling
Metaphor is the emotional language of young people. This is a hands-on and creative training which provides skills for teachers, learning mentors and teaching assistants in empathising with young people and enhancing children’s emotional literacy.

Boost the bond- for the BEST relationship with your child
This is a supportive parenting skills course that explores the challenges parents may experience. This course provides information, hands on skills and activities to empower parents in managing tantrums, challenging behaviour and young people’s emotional needs in creative and loving ways. The essential skills parents learn on this course are aimed at enhancing young people’s social, emotional and educational development and building strong bonds between parents and young people.

Helping Children with Loss and Bereavement
Loss can come in many forms and have a profound effect on all of us and our relationships. This training discusses the impact of grief and loss on young people’s brain development, emotional states and behaviours. It offers interventions and creative pathways to help young people manage the overwhelming feelings that come with loss.

Emotional Recovery Kit
On this course delegates will learn about the development of emotional regulation and experiment with techniques that provide emotional recovery and the fundamental ability to overcome feeling overwhelmed in order to live, learn and love to our full potential. This course will provide strategies to aid recovery from traumatic experiences like COVID-19 that can be used to support adults and young people, parents, carers and professionals.

Online Courses
You can buy in access to any of the following 3.5 hour courses for a specific lenght of time (i.e. 2 weeks). Buying in this way means that delegates can access the course at any time and watch at their own pace within the time window you have commissioned.
Online courses available via Vimeo:
Strategy Toolbox for Good Mental Health in Schools
Emotional Recovery Kit
Supporting School Staff Mental Health and Resilience
Understanding Attachment Disorders and How to Help
Boost the bond- for the BEST relationship with your child
Your Space Therapies provides consultation services regarding supporting young people at home and in school. This involves a therapist meeting with key adults in the team around the young person and putting together a bespoke behaviour and support plan for the young person which includes reflection of their attachment style, relational, behavioural and emotional needs from a psychotherapeutic perspective. An observation, report and follow-up can also be included in the consultation.

Contact us below to discuss what we can offer you

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