Testimonials from Children
“I feel a lot calmer even mum says so. I can say when things get too much”
“Mum and dad have stopped arguing all the time and I don’t feel like it’s just me on my own”
Child (whose parents received parenting support)
“My confidence has grown so much since coming here.”
“I know I am a special person because I see (my therapist) thinks that about me every time she sees me.”
“I feel like I leave my worries behind when I leave this room and go back to class.”
“I really like doing stories. I don’t think they are book stories, they are stories my therapist writes about me.”
“I am really sad to be leaving, this has been a very special play time for me.”

“I have more friends since coming here”.
“I have been learning how to clam down better.”
“I like thinking about my life and who I am.”

Testimonials from Parents
“My son has felt so special having his therapy time in school, he has grown in confidence during some really difficult times and seems so much happier and I put a lot of that down to the time he has spent with (his therapist) who has been so helpful and supportive.”
“My husband and I feel that (the therapist) understood our son and our family right from the very start, she has been so helpful and supportive and gone above and beyond to provide extra reports to get our son the help he needs. We warmed to her from the very beginning, she has helped our son so much, he has changed for the better in many ways and giving me the opportunity to be in therapy with my son has benefitted our relationship no end, and hopefully for the rest of our lives.”
“The therapist really supported my daughter who has loved coming to the sessions. I feel I have a better understanding of my child’s emotional needs and a good plan going forward for future support.”
“I have seen a great improvement in my child’s happiness and they seem to be in a better place.”
“I really don’t know what I would have done without this support.”
Testimonials from Professionals
92% of schools who experienced Your Space Therapies training rated the training ‘Excellent’, 8% rated the training ‘Very Good’.
“Having had a bereavement within our school community that profoundly affected staff and students it was invaluable to have this bereavement training which helped us feel equipped, empathic and able to support each other.”
Head Teacher
“Your space training was bright and memorable, the trainer was very well informed, helpful and engaging – highly recommended”
Manager of an independent Foster Care Agency
“A refreshing training, really useful in terms of behaviour and learning strategies for children with emotional challenges.”
Class Teacher
“An enlightening and experimental day, I gained lots of creative ideas and left with lots of inspiration”
Learning Mentor
“I can highly recommend the Your Space Therapies training services. The staff have learnt so much about helping children with emotional difficulties to learn and be the best people they can be. Staff have also learnt how to look after themselves as professionals and have some new classroom strategies to use, which have been very helpful.”
Primary School Inclusion Manager
“Your Space provides a highly professional service that has become an invaluable part of our work with vulnerable children. The level of support and advice our school receives is outstanding and the counsellor has become an integral member of our inclusion team. Your Space has been tremendously successful supporting children from Year R to Year 6 with an incredibly wide range of needs. The counselling programme has had significant impact on all children involved and has resulted in higher attendance, greater engagement in school life, improvements in behaviour and enhanced learning. I can not imagine our school without Your Space!”
Richard Cave – Head Teacher at Sompting Village Primary School
“We have found the counselling service to be of the highest quality, offering fantastic support to our children and families, with excellent liaison through our teachers and SENCO’s. The service is now an integral part of our work with vulnerable children and it is difficult to imagine how we could ever meet some children’s needs without it”
Simon Mockford – Head Teacher at Seaside Primary School

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Email us at info@yourspacetherapies.org
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